
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

语文语转换系统中的文本略论处理Thai text to speech text analysis and processing system.




Speech decomposition is by computer will output the text into one can understand the speech signal process. Speech decomposition and speech recognition are the need to support the communication of human machine. Text to speech system is a useful way to complete the speech decomposition at the present stage, the natural degree of decomposition of speech has become the key to the implementation of this technique. Text to speech system as a front-end Wentian job analysis module and back-end speech decomposition module, Wentian job analysis and disposal of the consequences will directly determine the speech decomposition of natural degree. In this paper, in order to open up a Thai text to speech system, and completed a study of Thai text analytics words, normalization and Rome. Main task of this paper contains: 1. For Thai characteristics, constructing Thai characters lacing set and applied before and after to the maximum matching segmentation algorithm. The results of the test notes, with the word accuracy of the word material is not logged, can be promoted to 94.04% from 85.69%. 2 proposed rules and key words combination approach based on complete Thai text normalization. In the special character disposal module, special character of Thai text in the emergence of digital, physical unit, spring currency symbols and abbreviations classification. It is prone to ambiguity character type, construction of key words dictionary. This basically, write C speak French special characters stop disposal, victory will be transformed into Thai text scale. Test results of notes: test set accuracy rate was 97.83% and test set accuracy was 97.12%, and Nianye sector non scale word disambiguation accuracy rate reached more than 95%. 3. On the basis of the Thai syllable structure characteristics, attributed, rectify the vowels and consonants and vowels in vowel and Oko sound collocation rules. On the basis of, the syllable as a basic unit, using Perl script to speak French Thai text Romanized writing. Test results note, Rome, the results can meet the requirements of the back-end voice decomposition, and from the performance of the word segmentation, text normalization results.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   第一章 绪论   9-17       1.1 引言   9-10       1.2 泰语语音合成近况   10-11       1.3 常用的文本略论处理措施   11-14       1.4 论文探讨思路及作者的工作   14-15       1.5 论文的组织框架   15-17   第二章 泰语文本处理基础   17-25       2.1 泰语简介   17       2.2 文本收集及词典的构建   17-19           2.2.1 文本语料收集   17-18           2.2.2 词典的构建   18-19       2.3 泰语词性及标注   19-23           2.3.1 泰语词性   20-21           2.3.2 词性标注   21-23       2.4 泰语音素列表   23-24       2.5 本章小结   24-25   第三章 分词措施及实现   25-37       3.1 分词技术   25-27           3.1.1 基于词典的分词措施   26-27           3.1.2 基于理解的分词措施   27           3.1.3 基于统计语言模型的分词措施   27       3.2 泰语分词探讨   27-28       3.3 泰语分词实验步骤略论   28-34           3.3.1 泰语字符连缀集的构建   30-32           3.3.2 前后向最大匹配算法   32-34           3.3.3 匹配结果略论   34       3.4 实验及结果略论   34-36       3.5 本章小结   36-37   第四章 文本归一化   37-51       4.1 文本归一化   37       4.2 泰语非标准词的形式及分类   37-42           4.2.1 泰语非标准词的形式   38           4.2.2 泰语非标准词的分类   38-42       4.3 泰语非标准词的归一化措施   42-46           4.3.1 非标准词的识别   42-43           4.3.2 非标准词的消歧   43-45           4.3.3 非标准词的生成   45-46       4.4 实验及结果略论   46-50           4.4.1 语料库   46-47           4.4.2 实验方案   47-48           4.4.3 实验结果及略论   48-50       4.5 本章小结   50-51   第五章 泰语文本罗马化   51-65       5.1 罗马化   51-52       5.2 泰语罗马化   52       5.3 基于音节的泰语文本罗马化   52-61           5.3.1 泰语音节结构   52-55           5.3.2 元音-辅音搭配规则   55-56           5.3.3 元音-尾辅音搭配规则   56-59           5.3.4 特殊字符   59           5.3.5 声调   59-61       5.4 泰语罗马化实现   61-64       5.5 本章小结   64-65   第六章 总结与展望   65-69       6.1 总结   65-67       6.2 展望   67-69   参考文献   69-73   致谢   73-75   参加的项目和的论文   75  
