
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国电视广告监督管理浅析Thailand TV advertising supervision and management




In recent years, Thai creative such as a hurricane won the world, put light in the international competition, advertising. Among them, Thailand TV advertising has always enjoyed high praise, is the core of international and foreign scholars concern and research. Visit Nelson in Thailand media query, more than half of the total Thailand television advertising revenue occupied, television has become the most important Thailand advertising media object. High degree of television advertising in addition to attach unique creative degree, sophisticated manufacturing skills, its growth is inseparable from the regulatory policy arm and pointing. TV advertising not only with consumers occurred useful interaction and lead the cost approach, towards public action, occupied the important role in the development of social civilization. However, the television advertisement achievements as its growth is becoming more and more exposure to light and agile, the supervision of TV advertising is to protect the superior effective advertising order, to promote energy civilization construction guarantee. In this paper, combined with the news from the perspective of governance spread before the actual sense of hot Thailand TV advertising regulatory analysis to discuss. First of all, the Thailand TV advertising regulation to stop a comprehensive overview. Including Thailand TV advertising industry development survey, the overall situation of supervision, supervision and supervision history process. Secondly, for supervision of the work of process based on the governance of CIPP consequence assessment approach to the supervision work stop briefly comment, achievement and on the basis of Thai media inquiries visit material analysis exist after, proposed from the perspective of governance to Thailand the relevant part of the supervision work finished beauty preliminary imaginary. First, through the analysis of China's TV advertising outline, inventions of our country where lack of supervision work. In Thailand is worth using for reference in the supervision experience of our country after the television advertisement supervision work China people involved in social monitoring system on the one hand, put forward the perfect suggestions.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第一章 绪论   8-13       1.1 选题背景   8-9       1.2 探讨目的和意义   9       1.3 国内外探讨概况   9-11           1.3.1 国内学者的调查探讨   9-10           1.3.2 国外学者的调查探讨   10-11       1.4 独特和创新之处   11-12       1.5 探讨措施   12-13   第二章 泰国电视广告的监管略论   13-35       2.1 泰国电视广告概况   13-14       2.2 泰国广告内容监管的历史   14-16           2.2.1 广告制作前申请许可,制作后接受审查(1967年~1992年)   15           2.2.2 不断加强自我监管的过程(1992年至今)   15-16       2.3 泰国电视广告监管部门结构和监管流程   16-24           2.3.1 国家广播电视委员会   16-19           2.3.2 电视广告审核委员会   19           2.3.3 泰国广告协会   19-21           2.3.4 食品药物管理   21-22           2.3.5 消费者保护协会   22-24       2.4 泰国电视广告监督效果简析   24-35           2.4.1 泰国有关部门对电视广告监管工作的略论   24-31           2.4.2 监管过程中实际出现问题的略论   31-35   第三章 对我国电视广告监管工作的启示   35-45       3.1 我国当前对电视广告监管情况   35-38           3.1.1 我国电视概况   35           3.1.2 我国电视广告监管情况略论   35-38       3.2 泰国电视广告的监管经验对我国监管工作的启示   38-45           3.2.1 有效应用激励机制   38-41           3.2.2 监管制度透明化   41-42           3.2.3 完善公民参与机制   42-45   第四章 总结   45-46   参考文献   46-49   致谢   49-50  
