
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:正 经过近一年的精心准备,终于批准我校单独组团赴泰国观测1995年10月24日的日全食了,回想往事,心如潮涌。我是上海格致中学的天文辅导老师,学校天文活动是从1979年开始的,泰语论文网站,多年来观测过许多特殊天象,如九星联珠、日环食、太阳黑子、月全食、月掩星、哈雷彗星、小行星、彗木相撞等。1980年和1991年,泰语毕业论文,我校都有学生被选入中国青少年日全食观测团分别赴云南和美国夏威夷,却都因天公不作美而扫兴归来,看日全食成了一个我们心中美丽的梦,如今实现梦想的机会终于来了。当我带领4名学生出发时,心情非常激动,这不仅是因为我们第一次出国,而且报纸上对于泰国连日来暴雨成灾的消息,像巨石压在心头,

Abstract:Is after nearly a year of careful preparation, has finally approved our separate tours to Thailand observation 1995 October 24, a total eclipse of the sun, recall the past, the heart, such as tide. I am Shanghai Gezhi School Astronomical tutor, school astronomy activities is started from 1979, over the years observed many special astronomical phenomena, such as Jiuxing Lianzhu, the annular eclipse of the sun, sunspot, total eclipse of the moon, lunar occultation, Halley's comets, asteroids, cometary wood collision. In 1980 and 1991, our school has students was elected to the China Youth total solar eclipse observation regiment went to Yunnan and Hawaii, but because of weather and disappointing returns, see a total eclipse of the sun into a our hearts beautiful dream, and now realize the opportunity to dream has finally come. When I lead four students start, mood is very excited. This is not only because we go abroad for the first time and newspapers about Thailand in recent days rain storm disaster news, like rock pressure in the heart.

