摘要:正 根据民间传说,在13世纪,泰国历史上的素可泰王朝的拉玛甘亨国王派使节到北京朝拜元朝皇帝忽必烈时,才把中国青瓷带到泰国。但近年来的考古发现,青瓷在泰国的历史比上述时间要早300年。青瓷,由木炭灰作釉,高温烧制而成,其瓷质坚硬如岩,光彩夺目,在中国始制于2000多年前的汉朝。这种人见人爱的豆青色釉是偶尔烧得的。有一次,泰语论文网站,炭灰尘埃飞落在坯瓷上,烧窑工就烧成了豆青色的青玉瓷(简称青瓷)。当时的人们还迷信,凡有毒的食品放入青瓷器皿内,青瓷顷刻变色,甚至于自行碎裂。 Abstract:Is, according to legend, in the 13th century, the history of Thailand's Sukhothai Dynasty king Rama Gan Henry sent envoys to Beijing to pay homage to the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan, the Chinese Celadon to Thailand. But in recent years the archaeological discoveries in the history of Thailand celadon, 300 years earlier than the time. Celadon by charcoal gray as the glaze, high temperature sintering, the porcelain is as hard as a rock, dazzling, in China begin business in the Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. This cute glaze is occasionally burned the beans. Once, carbon gray dust flying in the green porcelain, kilnman burned the pea green jade porcelain (referred to as celadon). At that time people are superstitious, where toxic food into the celadon vessel, a celadon discoloration, even to fragmentation. 引言:臀麟麟黑举俨, 根据民间传说,在13世纪,泰国历史上的素可泰王朝的拉玛甘亨国王派使节到北京朝拜元朝皇帝忽必烈时,才把中国青瓷带到泰国。但近年来的考古发现,青瓷在泰国的历史比土述时间要早300年。 青瓷,由木炭灰作釉,高温烧制而成,其瓷质坚硬如岩,光彩夺目,在中国始制手200 ,泰语论文范文 |