
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:正 1 地震危险性评定历史泰国为非地震区。地震主要发生在沿泰国西边界之外的缅甸—安达曼、苏门答腊断裂带。早在公元前624年,泰国和缅甸就有历史地震的文字记载(Nutalaya和Sodsri,1984)。1963年,气象部门在清迈建立了第一个地震台,后来有选择地在一些省份建立了8个地震台(图1)。至此,泰国的地震监测开始系统化。1975年2月17日记录到发生在Tak省的5。6级地震和1983年3月22日发生在Kanchanaburi省的5。9级地震,后一地震在曼谷有感,引起了恐慌,泰语论文题目泰语论文范文,也对整个城市的高层建筑和大规模建设计划存在潜在危险。为此,政府设置了国家地震委员会,以利于对泰国的地震作用探讨(Poobrasert,1987)。

Abstract:1 seismic hazard assessment history Thailand is a non seismic area. Earthquakes occur mainly in Burma, Dammam, and Sumatra, along the west side of Thailand. As early as 624 B. C., Thailand and Burma had the historical earthquake records (Nutalaya and Sodsri, 1984). In 1963, the meteorological department established the first seismic station in Chiang Mai, then selectively in some provinces established 8 seismic stations (Figure 1). At this point, the Thailand earthquake monitoring system began to. Recorded in February 17, 1975 to 5 in Tak province. Grade 6 earthquake and March 22, 1983 occurred in the province of Kanchanaburi 5. 9 earthquake, the earthquake in Bangkok, a sense of panic, but also to the entire city of high-rise buildings and large-scale construction plan there is potential danger. To this end, the government has set up the National Seismological Commission, in favor of the earthquake impact study of Thailand (Poobrasert, 1987).

引言:二 地震危险性评定历史 泰国为非地震区。地震主要发生在沿泰国西边界之外的缅甸一安达曼、苏门答腊断裂带。 早在公元前624年,泰国和缅甸就有历史地震的文字记载(Nuta卜ya和Sodsri,1984)。1963 年,气象部门在清迈建立了第一个地震台,后来有选择地在一些省份建立了8个地震台(
