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资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:泰国报章报道,泰语论文题目,在泰国西北部萨尔温国家动物园的大象,生活坎坷,终日要为非法伐木工人和政府搬运木材,导致工作过劳。 据报,现时在该国家公园内,约有60只大家被用作运送木材。 泰国政府的兽医们表示,政府雇用的九只大象,因为工作过劳而病倒,需要多加休息和补充营养。

Abstract:The Thailand newspaper reported that in the northwest of Thailand, the National Zoo, the elephant, life is rough, all day long for illegal logging workers and the government's handling of wood, leading to work. According to the newspaper, about 60 people are being used to transport timber in the National Park. The Thailand government's veterinarian said the government employs nine elephants, because of work and ill, need more rest and nutrition.

引言:泰国报章报道,在泰国西北部萨尔温国家动物园的大象,生活坎坷,终日要为非法伐木工人和政府搬运木材,导致工作过劳。 据报,现时在该国家公园内,约有60只大家被用作运送木材。 泰国政府的兽医们表示,政府雇用的九只大象,因为工作过劳而病倒,需要多加休息和补充营养。磷篡黔魏簸
