全球语境下的“仂”族群-泰国和老挝傣仂共同体的比较探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:保罗T.科恩 李纬霖[2] PauI.T. Cohen (Writer), Li Weilin (Translator)

机构地区:[1]不详 [2]中央音乐学院,北京100031

出  处:《民族艺术探讨》2017年第2期37-46,共10页Studies In National Art

摘  要:“仂”族群的语言为傣语,泰语论文题目,其故土在中国云南西双版纳傣族自治州区域内。同时,也有大量仂人居住在泰国老挝。本文对老挝北部(勐醒)和泰国北部(难府)仂人的共同体进行对比,泰语论文,主要对二者族群认同及地域神灵崇拜之间的关系进行探讨,并试图对仂的单一民族国家与民族文化发展话语之间所表现出的族群认同转型作相应的阐释。The Lue are a Tai - speaking people whose home land is the Sip Song Parma region of Yunnan, China. There are also large Lue populations in Thailand and Laos. This paper compares Lue communities in northern Laos( Muang Sing)and northern Thailand(Nan) ,focusing on the relation between Lue ethnic identi- fication and territorial cults. I seek to explain the transformation of Lue ethnic identity in terms of the way the Lue relate to the nation - state and,in particular, to discourses of national culture and development.

关 键 词:“仂” 民族 神灵崇拜 民族文化 发展 
