泰国《全民健康保障法》及其对我国医疗保障立法的启示 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:满洪杰 MAN Hongjie ( Shandong University Law School, Jinan Shandong 250100, China)


出  处:《法律论坛》2017年第4期140-150,共11页Legal Forum

基  金:2017年山东省社科规划项目《新医改背景下新型农村合作医疗法制化探讨--以山东省为对象》(12DFXJ02)的中期成果;本文主要资料来源于作者在泰国开展的相关调研.感谢泰国中央知识产权法院法官Suttiprasit女士关于作者调研和资料收集提供的大力帮助.

摘  要:泰国《全民健康保障法》为我国医疗保障改革提供了可参考的样本。该法立足于泰国社会经济发展的近况,泰语论文网站,为所有国民提供了普遍的免费医疗保障。该法所建立的全民健康保险计划以一般税收作为资金来源,泰语论文,通过医疗资金管理者和医疗服务提供者的分离,以及按人头付赞的方式,控制医疗成本。该法满足了全民的健康需求,提高了医疗服务的可获得性,促进了健康权利保障的平等性,保障了国民避免因病致贫的权利。我国的医疗保障改革应以公共税收作为全民医保的主要经费来源,以无差别的全民医保保障医疗权利的平等性,同时必须特别关注弱势群体的需求。The National Health Security Act of Thailand provides a comparable model for the health security legislation of China. The Act roots on the social and economical reality of Thailand, provides a universal coverage free of charge to her nationals. The Universal Coverage Scheme established by the Act takes general taxes as its financial resource. By the means of the split of the purchaser and providers and capitation payment, health cost in the scheme is well controlled. Health needs of the public, the ac- cessibility of health service, as well the equality in the protection of the right to health is successfully satisfied by the Act. It also avoids the poverty caused by illness. The health security reform in China shall take the general taxes as the main financial resource, protects the right to health of all citizens with non-difference universal coverage, and pays special attention to the inter- ests of vulnerable groups.

关 键 词:泰国 《全民健康保障法》 医改 健康权利 立法 
