泰国齿甲属分类探讨(鞘翅目:拟步甲科:拟步甲亚科) [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:刘杉杉 任国栋 Shanshan LIU, Guodong REN( The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China)


出  处:《昆虫分类学报》2017年第2期119-126,共8页Entomotaxonomia

基  金:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31402003); the Science and Technology Programs for University by the Hebei Educational Committee (QN20171042); the Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei, China (14967611D)

摘  要:泰国齿甲属Uloma Dejean进行了分类整理,记述了3新纪录种,即U.longolineata Liu&Ren,2017,U.zhengi Liu&Ren,2017和U.javana Gebien,1912。提供了泰国齿甲属已知种类的检索表、整体照片以及Uloma rufilabris Fairmaire,1882的雄性再描述和雌性首次描述。The paper deals with Thai species of the genus Uloma Dejean. Three newly recorded species, Uloma longolineata Liu Ren, 2017, Uloma zhengi Liu Ren, 2017 and Uloma javana Gebien, 1912, all from Thailand are recorded in this paper. A key and photos of the known species of Uloma from Thailand are presented. A redescription of the male and the first description of the female of Uloma rufilabris Fairmaire, 1882 are also provided.

关 键 词:检索表 
