中国女排针对日本、泰国女排进攻战术的拦防体系探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:李铁鸣 李毅钧[1] LI Tie-ming, LI Yi-jun(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China)


出  处:《体育学刊》2017年第1期104-108,共5页Journal of Physical Education

基  金:国家体育总局国家队综合科研攻关项目(2017A054).

摘  要:应用DATA VOLLEY软件略论、现场及录像观察、数据对比略论,泰语论文泰语论文,对2017年世界女排大奖赛总决赛中日比赛及2017年亚洲锦标赛中泰比赛中的进攻、拦网和防守反击技术进行略论,结果显示:在面对类似日本泰国女排这些技术全面、打法快速多变,充分利用2、4号位球网长度展开高速进攻风格的球队时,中国女排拦网及防守反击环节的效果较差。建议中国女排面对此类风格的球队要进行有针对性的拦网和防守区域相结合,提高防守反击成功率。By applying methods such as DATA VOLLEY software analysis, court and video observation, data comparison and analysis, the authors analyzed offense, blocking and counter-attack techniques used in the China vs. Japan final in World Women’s Volleyball Grand Prix 2017 and the China vs. Thailand game in Asian Championships 2017, and found that team China achieved a poor effect in blocking and counter-attack when it faced a team such as team Japan or team Thailand with a style of comprehensive techniques, quick and varied moves, carrying out high speed attacks by fully util-izing the net lengths at positions 2 and 4. The authors proposed that team China should carry out action-specific combina-tion of blocking with the defense areas and improve counter-attack success rate when it faces a team with such a style.

关 键 词:竞赛与训练 
