泰国南部舞蹈“诺拉”的佛性色彩 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:黄小明[1] 左静 HUANG Xiao-ming, ZUO Jing ( 1. Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China ; 2. Cultural centre of Qixing District, Guiling 541004,China)

机构地区:[1]广西师范大学,桂林541006 [2]七星区文化馆,桂林541004

出  处:《北京舞蹈学院学报》2017年第3期78-82,共5页Journal of Beijing Dance Academy

基  金:广西哲学社会科学“十二五”规划2017年度项目“广西与东南亚民间艺术比较探讨”(项目批准号11BMZ007); 广西师范大学漓江学院探讨项目“东盟代表性民间舞蹈文化调查与探讨--以泰国、印尼民间舞为例”课题论文

摘  要:诺拉"是泰国最古老的民间舞蹈之一,也是泰国南部传统古典舞。目前对于国传统舞蹈的探讨与成果少之又少,亟待学者们进行深入的研讨和探讨。本文结合泰国的传统、信仰、历史等,从"诺拉"舞的起源和背景、形态特色、佛性色彩等角度,对泰国南部"诺拉"舞进行略论与探讨,力图为东南亚舞蹈文化的探讨提供更为广阔的视野和推动影响。Dance,as an important factor of multi-culture in the world,attains more and more attentions from academia. With profound cultural background and a belief in Buddhism,dance in Thailand is in strong Southeast Asian style with particular Buddhist characteristics. Due to various differences including culture,background,belief,it is developed into distinctive Thai dance style. As one of the oldest folk dances in Thailand,Nola is traditional classical dance with typical style in southern Thailand. At present,there are few works and achievements on the traditional Thai dance. In view of the above,it is urgent for the relevant scholars to make indepth discussion and research. Aiming to provide a boarder view and promote for the culture study of Southeast Asian dance,the paper makes analysis and researches on Nola dance in Southern Thailand from the perspective of its origin,background,characteristics and Buddhist nature in consideration of local tradition,belief and history.

关 键 词:泰国舞蹈 诺拉 佛教 
