后冷战时代泰国对“缅甸问题”的认知 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:周绍永[1] Zhou Shaoyong ( Dean's Office, Dehong Normal School, Dehong 678400, China)


出  处:《黑河学院学报》2017年第4期111-114,共4页Journal of Heihe University

摘  要:缅甸问题"是冷战后缅甸国内众多问题及国际因素综合影响的结果。就泰国而言,对"缅甸问题"的认知包括来自缅甸民主人权问题、难民问题、毒品问题和领土问题等现实压力,但在现实的国家利益面前,泰国对两国存在的问题既坚持准则,同时又保持灵活性。对涉及国家核心利益问题的领土问题,坚持不退让的准则,但对民主人权问题、难民问题、毒品问题则降低政治意味,采取多边灵活的方式进行处理,以最大限度维护泰国的安全利益和经济利益。"The Myanmar issue"is the result of many problems in Myanmar and international factors in the post Cold war. For Thailand,the awareness on Myanmar issue include the pressure from problems of democracy and human rights,the refugee problem,the drug problem and territorial problem in Myanmar. But in the presence of realistic national interests,Thailand adheres to the principles,while maintaining flexibility.For the territorial issue relates to the problem of core national interests. Thailand adheres to the principle of not yielding principle,but on the question of democracy and human rights,refugee problem,drug problem are reduced to political implications,resolving by flexible manner,in order to maximize the maintenance of Thailand's security and economic interests.

关 键 词:缅甸问题 泰国 难民 民主 
