
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马泰祥 Ma Taixiang


出  处:《江苏社会科学》2017年第6期191-197,共7页Jiangsu Social Sciences

基  金:本文为教育部人文社会科学重点探讨基地重大项目《中国现当代作家外语创作论》(13JJD750009)阶段性成果.

摘  要:日据时代台湾的顶尖日语作家,在1930年代以后通过参与日本本岛的“文学评奖”而博得日语文坛的青睐,被不少探讨者视为其熟练掌握了殖民者语言的证据。但是通过对日本本岛文学评奖实况的略论,以及还原彼时台湾文坛的文学批评生态体系中对台湾日语作家创作语言能力的评价,则可以发现,此时台湾顶尖日语作家应用日语进行文学表现的能力其实颇为可疑。对台湾日语作家日语能力的真实状况进行剖析,首先可以揭示殖民地台湾总督府所引以为傲的日语普及与所谓“国语运动”貌似颇有成效,但实绩有限;其次展现出了日本本岛文坛与殖民地文坛之间的那种不平等的文学交往意态;最后还证明了过分夸大日据时代台湾文坛“日语”的绝对支配地位也是不甚牢靠的。Top Taiwanese Japanese writers during Japanese Occupation gained popularity among the Japanese literary circle by participating in the "Literature Award" in Japan since the 1930s, which is considered by quite many researchers evidence of Taiwanese writers' good command of the colonist language. However, the analysis of the reality of the award shows that those writers' ability of literary expression in Japanese. The analysis firstly reveals that Japanese popularization seemed fruitful, but the effect is actually limited; secondly, it displays the unequal literary communication between the Japanese literary circle and the colonial one; lastly, it also proves that the overstatement of the absolute dominance of Japanese in Taiwan literary circle during Japanese occupation does not hold water.

关 键 词:日据时代 台湾日语文学 

分 类 号:I207.42[文学—中国文学]
