
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘春发 Liu Chunfa(School of Foreign Studies,Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, Shanghai 201720, China)


出  处:《上海理工学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第4期328-332,共5页Journal of University of Shanghai For Science and Technilogy(Social Science)

摘  要:日本的内外文化体现在日本社会生活的方方面面,一直以来受到中外学者的关注。在简单介绍内外文化及其与语言的联系的基础上,着重略论内外文化对日语被动形式作用与影响。通过中日两种语言的比较略论,认为日语更多地采用被动形式的深层次原因在于日本的内外文化因素。此外,通过大量的翻译实例以及中日句式的比较,认为掌握内外文化的特点在日汉互译中具有非常重要的实践意义和指导影响。Japan's Uchi and Soto culture is embodied in all aspects of social life in Japan,and has draw ed the attention from scholars all over the w orld. In this paper, on the basis of a simple introduction of the Uchi and Soto culture and its relationship w ith language,the author focuses on the influence of Uchi and Soto culture on Japanese passive forms. Through the comparative analysis of Japanese and Chinese,it is summarized that more passive forms in Japanese lies in the cultural factor of Uchi and Soto in Japan. In addition, a lot of translation examples illustrated the comparison betw een Japanese and Chinese sentences. Therefore, it is of practical significance for JapaneseChinese translation to master the characteristics of the Uchi and Soto culture.

关 键 词:内外文化 翻译实践 被动形式 

分 类 号:H365[语言文字—日语]
