
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:芦立军 LU Li-jun (College of Foreign Languages, Anshan Normal University, Anshan 114007, China)


出  处:《大连学院学报》2017年第1期130-133,共4页Journal of Dalian University

摘  要:进入二十一世纪,日语系进入了"转型期"。因此,为适应"转型期"对日语人才的新要求,日语系的课程设置必须要随之进行相应的改革。本文从适应"转型期"运用型人才培养模式对日语人才的新要求入手,分别从调整专业技能课在总学时中的学时比例、统合低年级阶段的日语系基础课、注重高年级阶段日语系综合课程与专业技能课程的协调发展、实践课程在专业技能课中的融合等多个方面来研讨新时代下培养社会需要的日语运用型人才必须进行的日语课程设置改革。In the 21 st Century,Japanese profession is related to the "transition period".Adapting to the new requirements of the "transition period" for Japanese talents becomes necessary that the Japanese professional curriculum be carried out accordingly.This article deals with the new requirements of the adaptation of applied talents training mode,the adjustment of professional skills by total hours,integration of the low level Japanese courses by focusing on the high level integrated curriculum and courses in coordination,practical courses in the integration of professional courses to go with Japanese curriculum reform.

关 键 词:转型期 运用型人才培养模式 课程设置 专业基础课 专业技能课 专业综合课 

分 类 号:G423.02[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
