作 者:相卓 机构地区:大连理工学院城市大学,辽宁大连116600 出 处:《山东农业工程大学学报》2017年第4期89-90,共2页The Journal of Shandong Agricultural Engineering College 摘 要:听、说、读、写、译是日语学习中需要掌握的五个基本技能。其中,写作技能是学生觉得难于掌握,教师苦于寻找有效教学措施的项目之一。因此,通过对学生在写作环节中常见误用的略论,在课堂上进行有效、有针对性的教学就成为了摆在教师面前的一项重要课题。Listening, speaking,reading,writing and translating are the five basic skills in Japanese language learning.Among them,writing skills are students feel difficult to master,one of the teachers suffer from project to find effective teaching method.Therefore,through the analysis of the students'common misuse in the writing process,it is an important issue to be effective and targeted in the classroom. 分 类 号:G642.3[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |