
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:柯克雷 KE Ke-lei (Foreign Languages School, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China)


出  处:《浙江工商学院学报》2017年第2期29-38,共10页Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University

基  金:浙江省教育厅探讨课题“日语‘新语’和‘流行语’产生及推广的比较探讨”(Y201732372)

摘  要:近年来,中国出现了许多从日语引入的新词流行词,数量上已经远远超过了从英语、法语等其他外语引进的词汇,呈现出明显的日语偏向。这些新词大多最初由年轻人引进、修改和使用,此后通过网络广泛传播。其中有一部分被主流媒体频繁使用,最终被固定为某一特定语意而被国民接受。这些词语大多没有被正式收录进词典,所以常会在不同年龄、不同身份的人之间造成理解与沟通上的困难。同时,日语论文题目,这些新词、流行词在字面上带有明显的日语特征,所以被许多人认为是异文化入侵的恶果而遭到严正的批评。本文试以与“颜”相关的流行词为中心,探索中国新词、流行词出现日语偏向的表现及原因,寻求对这一现象的正确理解,以期对规范现代汉语的使用有所帮助。Recently, the number of new words and buzzwords in Chinese borrowed from Japanese has exceeded vocabulary from other languages including English and French etc. , showing a obvious trend of Japanization. Most of these new words were firstly borrowed, adapted and used by the young and later quickly spread via the Internet, among which some are frequently used by the mainstream media and finally accepted by the public with fixed connotation. Since most of these words are not in- cluded in dictionaries, they often cause communication difficulty and misunderstanding between people of different ages and social groups. Meanwhile, these new words and buzzwords become the target of severe criticism due to their clear Japanese characteristics and the widespread belief that they are the result of cultural invasion. With a case study of the word "yan", this paper attempts to explore the Japanization of new words and buzzwords popular in modern China and the causes behind this trend to promote proper understanding of this trend so that it can provide help on proper use of modern Chinese language.

关 键 词:新词 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
