
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:鲁裕 许建明 LU Yu XU Jian-ming ( Foreign Languages College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha Hunan 410128, China )


出  处:《科技视界》2017年第3期29-29,34共2页Science & technology view

基  金:湖南农业学院2017年学生科创项目的阶段探讨成果

摘  要:日语中所使用的文字由平假名、片假名、汉字以及罗马字四种构成。而其中的汉字与汉语的汉字有着根深蒂固的渊源联系,因而如果了解了日语汉字,那么将对中国人的日语学习者产生得天独厚的优势。为了让初学者在日语学习中少走弯路,笔者将自己学习后所领悟到的日语汉字的一些规律从四个方面(日语汉字的读音、字形、汉字意义及音形义)进行总结,以使初学者学会按照日语汉字的文化背景和民俗内涵,充分利用日语的语言习惯进行思考,更加高效的学习日语。Written Japanese consists of hiragana, katakana, the Chinese characters and the Roman character. The Japanese Chinese characters have a deep original relationship with Chinese, and thus understanding the Japanese Chinese characters will benefit the Chinese Japanese learners a lot. For the sake of the beginners in Japanese learning, the author summarizes some laws from four aspects of Japanese kanji(Chinese characters in Japanese pronunciation, form and meaning) in order to make the beginners to learn the Japanese more efficiently with the help of cultural background of Chinese characters, connotation of the folk custom, and the habitual Japanese thinking.

关 键 词:字义 

分 类 号:TP391.2[自动化与计算机技术—计算机运用技术;自动化与计算机技术—计算机科学与技术]
