
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:姜洋 JIANG Yang


出  处:《外国语文》2017年第4期146-149,共4页Journal of Sichuan International Studies University

基  金:重庆师范学院教育教学改革探讨项目“物联网环境下高校商务外语(日语)微课程教学模式探讨与实践”(02020310/0132)的探讨成果

摘  要:随着时代的进步、科技的发展及素质教育改革的不断推进,在物联网环境下现代信息技术愈来愈广泛地被运用于不同程度及类型的教学中,传统的网络课程已经不能很好地满足人们对在线学习内容多样化、个性化的需求,以微课程为单位的物联网环境则应运而生。“微课程”能够有效地结合现代信息技术资源,是一种以在线学习或移动学习为目的的新型的教学形式。本文探究物联网环境下高校新商务日语微课程教学模式的设计思路及运用策略,以建构物联网环境下新商务日语微课程教学模式,以期对高校商务日语教学的创新发展提供有益的参考。With the evolution of the times, the development of science and technology and the continuous promotion of quality education reform, the modern information technologies have widely used in several teaching styles and types in Internet of things era. The traditional network courses cannot meet the needs of diversified and personalized online learning. The environment of Internet of things appears with per Micro-lectrue. As a new teaching model for the purpose of online learning of mobile learning. Micro-lecture can integrate the modern information technology resources effectively. This article explores the design ideas and applications of New Business Japanese micro-lectures in Universities and Colleges, and to construct New Business Japanese micro-lectures teaching model in Internet of things. This is expecting to provide valuable reference to the New Business Japanese teaching innovation and development.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H319.3[语言文字—英语]
