作 者:王凤莉 井上千暖 李莉 WANG Feng-li,INOUE Chiharu,LI li(The Foreign Languages Institute,Jiamusi University,Jiamusi 154007, China) 机构地区:佳木斯学院外国语大学,黑龙江佳木斯154007 出 处:《黑龙江高教探讨》2017年第4期161-164,共4页Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education 基 金:全国教育科学“十二五”规划课题“地方高校外语专业人才培养模式改革探讨”(编号:FIB110147);教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目“凹型日本文化与日本语言的探讨”(编号:教外司留〔2017〕1568号);佳木斯学院教学探讨重点课题“凹型日本文化的语言表达之教学探讨”(编号:2017046). 摘 要:小组合作学习的教学模式不仅能有效地提高学生的专业水平及交流能力,更为重要的是能培养学生的协调性及团队合作精神。日本公司文化的核心是集团意识,这种集团意识源于日本含蓄内敛的凹型文化。协调性及团队合作精神正是到日本公司工作所需的素质。以培养到日本公司工作的日语人才为目标的高校日语系,在教学中采用小组合作学习的日语教学模式科学可行且十分必要。The teaching mode of group cooperative learning can not only improve students' professionalism and their ability to communicate effectively,much more importantly,but also can develop their coordination and team work spirit. The core of Japanese corporate culture is the group consciousness,which comes from Japanese reserved concave shape culture. Coordination and team spirit are the required qualities to work in Japanese enterprises. Therefore,it is feasible and necessary to develop Japanese personnel majoring in Japanese in colleges and universities as the goal of the enterprise work,and it is a scientific way to adopt the teaching mode of group cooperative learning in the teaching of Japanese. 关 键 词:小组合作学习 分 类 号:G642.0[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |