
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:董博[1] 于飞[1] 


出  处:《科技资讯》2017年第22期115-117,共3页Science & Technology Information

基  金:本文为2017年大连外国语学院高等教育探讨课题项目“交际语言测试理论视阈下的学院日语测试改革的探讨”(项目编号:2017GJ05)最终成果.

摘  要:口语测试因操作性差、成本高效率低等原因很难实施运作,然而作为有效的语言行为测试却是可以直接考查学生二语应用能力的有效测试措施。该文在交际语言测试理论视阈下,设计开发一项日语口语测试,通过研讨在预测中如何完善评分量表、保证评分者间信度、甄选任务课题3方面问题尝试为日语口语测试开发提供研发路径和设计框架。Oral test is difficult to be enforced due to lack of feasibility, high cost and low efficiency etc., however, it is one important testing method which can directly examine usage abilities of second language of students as an effective language performance test. The article researches and develops one oral Japanese test under the theory of communicative language testing.It tries to offer D&R path and research framework for development of oral Japanese test through three matters as how to improve rating scales in the pretest, ensure reliability and select task topic.

关 键 词:交际语言测试 预测 

分 类 号:G64[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
