
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张丽梅 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第1期64-70,共7页

基  金:全国高校外语教学科研项目(2017SH0009A);北京外国语学院中国外语教育探讨中心第七批中国外语教育基金项目(ZGWYJYJJ2017A72)的阶段性成果

摘  要:教学联系论角度的"学习投入理论主张从行为投入、情感投入与认知投入三个维度对学习过程进行研讨。本文基于学习投入理论,对日语系学情调查数据进行略论发现:上游学习者与下游学习者在行为投入、情感投入和认知投入上存在着明显的异同。表明学习投入三个维度(行为、情感和认知)与学习者的学业水平之间存在着重要的相关联系。换言之,两组学习者在各维度上表现出的异同可能是他们之间学业水平分层加剧的重要原因之一。Learning engagement theory advocates exploring the learning process from three dimensions: behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement. Based on the theory, the paper analyzes the data collected in the survey of Japanese majors. The analysis tells us that there is a significant difference in the behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement between the upper level students and lower level students. It also shows that there is a positive correlation between students’ engagement in the three dimensions and their academic achievements.We can say that their difference in engagement is one of the important reasons for their difference in academic performance.

关 键 词:学习投入 行为投入 情感投入 认知投入 

分 类 号:G42[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
