
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李哲[1,2] 前迫孝宪[1] 张海[3] LI Zhe, MAESAKO Takanori, ZHANG Hal3 (1. Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 565-0871; 2. School of Foreign Languages, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei, China 430073; 3. Media Science School, Northeast Normal University, Changehun, Jilin, China 130012)

机构地区:[1]大阪学院学院院人间科学探讨科,日本大阪565-0871 [2]中南财经政法学院外国语大学,湖北武汉430073 [3]东北师范学院传媒科学大学,吉林长春130012

出  处:《现代教育技术》2017年第12期99-105,共7页Modern Educational Technology

摘  要:文章以实现知识的关联和可视化显示为目的,构建基于可视化知识地图的日语教学辅助系统,并通过教学实践验证了系统的教学效果.首先,为了对比不同日语语法体系的差异,文章抽选句型和词汇构建日语知识数据库,再创建专家知识地图进行知识关联.其次,文章构建了日语教学辅助系统,导入数据并实现了知识地图的可视化.最后,文章利用系统开展教学实践,通过对学习成绩、知识地图、调查问卷等的略论,发现系统的使用有利于促进知识的关联和重构、加深理解和相互交流、提高学习积极性.This paper constructed a Japanese language teaching assistant system based on visualized knowledge map to realize the association andvisualization of knowledge. The effect of this system was also verified in practice. Firstly, in order to compare the similarities and differences between Japanese grammar system, the study decimated patterns and words to build Japanese knowledge database and created expert knowledge map for knowledge relation. Secondly, the Japanese language teaching assistant system was constructed, and the visualization of knowledge map was achieved by importing data. Finally, the teaching practice was carried out in this system. Through analyzing students' learning achievement, knowledge map and questionnaire, itcanbeseen that the system was useful in promoting knowledge association and reconstruction, deepening mutual understanding and fridenship, as well as improving students'learning initiative.

关 键 词:可视化 知识地图 日语 教学辅助系统 

分 类 号:G40-057[文化科学—教育学原理;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
