
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王珊珊 WANG Shanshan;School of International Studies, Binzhou Medical University


出  处:《科教导刊》2017年第5Z期143-144,共2页The Guide of Science & Education

摘  要:护理日语教学不仅要注重培养学生的语言表达能力,更要注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。本文阐述了日本文化关于日语语言行为、非语言行为及护理等方面的渗透与作用,而后从提高学生的跨文化交际意识、提高专业教师的能力和素质以及开设日本医务剧欣赏等方面,研讨了护理日语系学生跨文化交际能力的培养策略。Nursing Japanese teaching should not only pay attention to the cultivation of students' language skills, but also pay at-tention to the cultivation of students' intercultural communicative competence. This paper introduces the Japanese culture for Ja-panese language and non language behavior and other aspects of care of infiltration and influence, and then from improve students' cross cultural communication consciousness, improve teachers' professional ability and quality, and to open Japan medical drama appreciation of Japanese nursing students' intercultural communicative competence cultivation strategy.

关 键 词:护理日语教学 跨文化交际 培养策略 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] R47-4[医药卫生—护理学;医药卫生—临床医学]
