
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李艳 LI Yan (Shenzhen Polytechnic College, Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, China)


出  处:《重庆电子工程职业大学学报》2017年第6期107-110,共4页Journal of Chongqing Vocational& Technical Institute

摘  要:高职日语的课堂教学中导入以学生为中心的PDCA循环和日本学院“演习”课程的推进方式,能较好地调动学生的积极性,提高学生的自主学习能力、语言运用能力,并能培养学生与他人分工协作的团队精神,进一步巩固和提高学生的实践技能。经试行,这种措施在非专业选修课上虽然会受到学生来自不同专业、日语水平不一致等条件的限制,仍能取得较好的教学效果。The applying of PDCA circle and "Practice" class in Japanese universities can better mobilize the enthusiasm of students, develop their activeness in self-learning and language using, strengthen the team work cooperation and upgrade the students' practice will be able to get better teaching effect in the elective courses subject to the different majors and Japanese level. skill for teachers. After the trial, this method of non-majors although the students would be

关 键 词:PDCA循环 “演习”课程 建构主义 

分 类 号:G712[文化科学—职业技术教育学;文化科学—教育学]
