
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陈连冬 Chen Liandong(National University of Singapore)


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期46-58,共13页

摘  要:本文通过考察明治时期与1980年后小说中「など」「なんぞ」「なぞ」「なんか」以及「なんて」的实际用例,展示了中心助辞「など」从原本只有客观例示用法的助辞发展到如今具有客观例示与主观评价双重意义的助辞。这也就是所谓的语法化主观化。围绕着中心助辞,「なんぞ」「なぞ」「なんか」及「なんて」也或多或少参与了从客观例示向主观评价发展的过程。然而「なんか」在语法化过程中呈现的影响非常特殊。This paper examines and compares the real usage of‘nado'‘nanzo'‘nazo'‘nanka'and‘nante'in Japanese.Collected from novels ranging from the Meiji era to the present day, post-1980, the main particle‘nado'is shown to have had only the‘reiji'objective usage in the Meiji era, but now, it has not only objective but also negative- evaluation in subjective usage since 1980. This is the"grammaticalization=subjectification"of Japanese language. The non- main particles‘nanzo'‘nazo'‘nanka'and‘nante'also took their parts in the progress of grammaticalization. Most intriguingly, the particle‘nanka'will show a different direction in grammaticalization if you focus only on‘nanka'.

关 键 词:语法化 例示 否定的评价 明治时期 现在 

分 类 号:H146.2[语言文字—汉语]
