
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐兴华 XU Xing-hua (Yangzhou Polytechnic College, Yangzhou 225009, China)


出  处:《扬州教育大学学报》2017年第2期69-71,共3页Journal of Yangzhou College of Education

摘  要:本土文化是一个国家乃至一个民族的根本,随着中日交流与往来的日益频繁,中国本土文化日语教学过程中的重要意义也日渐凸显,但高校日语教学中本土文化缺失现象仍比较普遍。以高校日语教学中本土文化缺失现象为切入点,日语论文题目,阐述该现象国内外探讨的近况,略论其产生的原因及作用,日语毕业论文,研讨解决的对策,最终达到促进高校日语教学有效开展的目的。Local culture is the root of a country and even a nation. With the increasingly frequent exchanges and contacts between China and Japan, Chinese native culture is becoming more and more important in the Japanese teaching. However, it is very common that there is lack of native culture in college Japanese teaching. In terms of the absence in native culture in college Japanese teaching, thispaper explains its research status at home and abroad and analyses its causes and impacts. Meanwhile, it probes into their solutions, with an aim to promote the effective implementation of college Japanese teaching being effectively carried out.

关 键 词:目的语 本土文化 高校日语教学 双向交流 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
