
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:毛文伟 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期111-118,共8页

摘  要:本文以中日对译语料库为基本素材,日语毕业论文,采用量化探讨措施,考察了日语翻译语言在文体特征和词汇使用等方面呈现出的范化和特化现象。结果发现,相比原创小说,日语翻译小说的文体特征更为趋同,更加遵循译文的典型模式。生动性降低,书面语特点更强。译者倾向于使用一些意义更为宽泛、笼统的词汇,忽略部分细节或风俗文化信息。另一方面,日语论文题目,译者又会突破部分原有语言使用规律,以实现特定的表达效果。如果在译出语中存在着与译入语明确对应且使用频率更高的表达形式,在翻译语言中该对应形式的使用频率往往高于原创文本。否则,其使用频率就会偏低。Based on the Chinese-Japanese Translation Corpus, this paper investigated the normalization and specialization presented in stylistic features and vocabulary use in Japanese translation language with a quantitative research method. Compared with original novels, the text in translated novels shows a clear tendency to follow a typical pattern in composition of vocabulary, which is called normalization. Because of the reduction in vitality of expression, it is much closer to the typical written language. Translators tend to use words with broad, general meaning which causes the loss of some detail and unique cultural information. At the same time, they will also probably break some rules in the target language to achieve special effect. If there is a corresponding expression whose usage frequency is higher in the source language, the expression in the target language tends to exaggerate its original rule of use. Otherwise, the use of such expressions in the translated text will be reduced.

关 键 词:日语 语料库翻译学 翻译共性 范化 特化 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
