
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘泽军 Liu Zejun(Tianjin Foreign Studies University)


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第5期68-74,共7页

基  金:2017年国家社科基金项目(课题名称:基于语料库的日语周边性语言现象多维度实证探讨;课题编号:12CYY070课题负责人:朱鹏霄); 2017年度教育部人文社会科学探讨青年项目(课题名称:基于语料库的日语周边性语言现象探讨;课题编号12YJC740157课题负责人:朱鹏霄); 2017年度天津市高等学校人文社会科学探讨项目(课题名称:日语口头表达主题省略功能探讨;课题编号:20172215课题负责人:刘泽军)的部分成果

摘  要:本文考察和略论了日语口头表达主题省略双关现象,结合具体的使用实例对双关功能使用的表现形式、使用特征以及制约条件进行了论证和说明。具体结论如下:(1)日语口语表达中的主题省略的双关功能可分成同语异义型双关和同音异语型双关;(2)主题省略双关功能实现的语言内部制约条件主要体现在前项的省略、后项的同音及前后项的共起联系上。主题省略和同音为必不可少要件,而前项和后项共起联系的紧密度变化将成为双关实现的动态条件;(3)主题省略双关功能实现的语言外部制约条件主要体现在场面共有性、文脉一致性和认知共通性三个方面。This paper mainly studies and analyzes the phenomenon of punning by way of a topic ellipsis in Japanese oral expressions. Combined with examples of practical use, this paper argues and illustrates the form, characteristics and constraints of pun functions. The specific conclusions are as follows:(1) The pun function of topic ellipsis in Japanese oral expressions can be divided into homonymy and homophony;(2) The internal constraints of topic ellipsis' s pun function are mainly reflected in the ellipsis of the first item, homophones of the second item and the co-occurrence relation between the two items.Topic ellipsis and homophony are essential elements, and the closeness of the co- occurrence relation is dynamic for the achievement of the pun function;(3) The external constraints of topic ellipsis' s pun function are mainly reflected in scene sharing, text consistency and cognitive commonalities.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H319[语言文字—英语]
