作 者:杨慧[1] Yang Hui 机构地区:[1]广东理工大学外语系,广东肇庆526100 出 处:《科教文汇》2017年第23期175-178,共4页 摘 要:在会话略论中,同时发话是一个非常重要的概念。它对会话双方顺利地展开会话,既有消极的影响,也有积极的影响。本探讨以日语课题指向型会话中的同时发话为略论对象,对其类型及影响进行探讨。总结了:1)表示同感、同意;2)妨碍对方发话权;3)向对方寻求确认;4)暗示话题结束;5)帮助对方发话;6)其他(重复、感叹、附和),共6种功能的同时发话。并且发现同时发话与其功能不是一对一的联系,同一类型的同时发话,也可能带有两种或两种以上的功能。In conversational analysis, simultaneous speech is an important concept which plays both a negative and a positive role in the smooth occurrence of a conversation between two sides. With simultaneous speech in Japanese topic-oriented conversa- tions as the object of analysis, this paper studied its types and role, and summarized 6 types of simultaneous speeches with dif- ferent functions: 1) expressing the same feeling and consent; 2) preventing the other side's right of speech; 3) seeking confirma- tion from the other side; 4) implying the end of the conversation; 5) helping the other side's speech; 6) others (repeat, exclamation, and echo). The writer also found that there is no one-to-one rela- tion between any one type of simultaneous speech and its func- tions, namely, one type of simultaneous speech may have two or more functions. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语论文 |