
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:郭雪咏[1] Guo Xueyong


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第17期176-177,共2页

基  金:2017年6月至2017年6月上海商大学校级教育教学改革探讨课题“日语报刊选读的教学模式探讨与实践研讨”的阶段性探讨成果,项目编号为11-9814-10103-11.

摘  要:“日语报刊选读”是旨在培养高年级专业学生阅读报刊杂志能力的一门专业技能类选修课程。一直以来,日语论文,报刊选读课程的教学存在一些诸如按精读课讲解的误区,作用了教学效率和效果。本文从“日语报刊选读”课程在教学中存在的问题出发,日语毕业论文,根据报刊选读课程独有的特点,结合笔者多年的教学经验,归纳总结出一些有利于提高教学效率和效果的具体教学措施和方法,以供同行参考。“Selected Readings of Japanese Newspapers”is a ma-jor elective course. The course is to cultivate ability of reading newspapers and magazines for the senior professional students. For a long time, there are some mistakes for the teaching of the course, for example, the teaching methods of the course are the same as the Japanese intensive reading course, which reduces the teaching efficiency and effect. To solve these problems existing in the teaching, the author summarizes specific teaching methods and measures for the course from her teaching practice and fea-tures of the course in this paper. The proposed teaching methods and measures that may improve the teaching efficiency and effect of the course will provide a reference for colleagues.

关 键 词:使用的差异 发挥主观能动性 提高辨别是非的能力 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
