
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:欧阳健 张佩霞 Ouyang Jian;Zhang Peixia;Hunan University of Technology;Hunan University

机构地区:湖南工业学院外国语大学 湖南学院外国语与国际教育大学

出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期77-85,共9页

基  金:湖南工业学院教学改革探讨基金资助项目“职业导向商务日语系多元立体实践教学体系构建实施探讨”(项目编号:2017C33)的阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:商务日语系是实践性很强的复合运用型专业,但现实中其实践教学在理论和实务上存在诸多问题。本探讨以职业(要求)为导向,以"实用主义"、"建构主义"、"语言习得理论"等思想理论为基础和指导,从实践教学的目标、内容、模式、管理监控、评价、质量跟踪反馈六个方面多元立体构建商务日语系实践教学体系,并从师资建设、多媒体实验室建设、第二课堂建设、涉日资源利用、实践教学动力机制等方面研讨了如何实施开展商务日语系实践教学。Business Japanese is practical and compound, so there are some difficulties in the theories and implementation of its practical teaching. This paper looks at the basis of several theories, such as pragmatism, constructivism and language acquisition, to form a diverse practical teaching system for business Japanese from six aspects, namely, the target, its contents, the mode, the management, the evaluation and the feedback. The paper approaches the subject of how to effectively implement practical teaching methods from different directions, for instance the teaching staff, media laboratories, the second class, resources related to Japan and motivation of practical teaching.

关 键 词:职业导向 商务日语系 实践教学 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] F7[经济管理—产业经济]
