
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:夏国锋[1] 


出  处:《高教学刊》2017年第21期249-250,252共3页Journal Of Higher Education

摘  要:国内日语教材对谦让语分类鲜有提及,而由于分类不清导致的误用在教学过程中时有发现。本文通过国内教材谦让语动词归纳与日本国敬语指针整理对比发现有常见三组谦让语动词在国内尤其易被混淆使用,因此试从对称他称身份视角探寻「伺う/参る」、「申す/申し上げる」「お/ご…する,お/ご…申し上げる,お/ご…いたす」三组谦让语的分类依据及用法,以期对谦让语分类有更深理解。It is rare to see specific classification of self-depreciation verb in Japanese text books domestically. As a result, several mistakes when properly using these words were frequently made by learners and were found dur- ing the process of educating. After concluding self-depreciation verbs in domestic text books and comparing them with certain Japanese honorific expression, this article summarizes three series of common-used self-depreciation verb, which can be usually misunderstood domestically. Therefore, the following analysis of using「伺う/参る」、「申す/申し上げる」「お/ご…する,お/ご…申し上げる,お/ご…いたす」These three series of self-depreciation's classification,usage and reference will be investigated to address second & third person in order to improve the comprehension of self- depreciation verb.

关 键 词:对称 他称 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
