作 者:孙天琪[1] 机构地区:[1]上海外国语学院,上海201783 出 处:《高教学刊》2017年第21期7-11,共5页Journal Of Higher Education 摘 要:日语对话中的“体恤表达”十分丰富,有敬语表达、授受表达、委婉表达等。它们无一不遵循着一定的人际联系的准则,折射出日本人在人际联系上的“体恤”,以及力求与他人保持“和谐”、“友好”的愿望。本文以谷崎润一郎的小说《细雪》中的对话文为探讨对象,将其中“体恤表达”的表现形式按照不同场合分类,探讨其使用准则,以及背后潜在的日本人关于人际联系的思维特性和独特的民族文化,同时旨在为日语学习者带来启发。Consideration expressions are widely used in Japanese conversations, such as honorific expressions, eu- phemistic expressions and so on. These expressions, which indicate the Japanese considerations in the relationship with others and their wishes of harmony and kindness in communications, all follow the principles of interpersonal relationship. Focusing on the conversations in Sasame Yuki, this paper discusses the characteristics of Japanese thinking and their unique culture in interpersonal relationship by classifying the forms of consideration expressions in accordance with distinct occasions, and meanwhile aims to inspire more Japanese learners. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |