
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李歆玥 罗米良 Li Xinyue,日语论文日语毕业论文,Luo Miliang


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第35期162-163,共2页

基  金:大连外国语学院硕士探讨生创新项目,大外研发【2017】3号

摘  要:本文通过对学院的在籍中国日语学习者--学院一年级至探讨生进行日语语音实验,意在探明中国学习者对日语语音中感情的理解程度。实验数据表明,相比之俄、韩等外国人日语学习者,中国人日语学习者随着学习时间的变化,关于"悲伤""平静"的辨别正确率得到了很大改善。此外该探讨利用专业语音略论软件,重点研讨了"悲伤""平静"这两种极易混淆感情的刺激语音的韵律特征。Through a Japanese phonetic experiment on Chinese Japanese learners enrolled by universities from freshmen to postgraduates, this paper intends to explore the extent of Chinese Japanese learners' understanding on the emotions in Japanese pronunciation. The experimental data show that, compared with Russian and South Korean Japanese learners, the accuracy of Chinese Japanese learners' discrimination between "sadness" and "calmness" is greatly improved with the change of learning periods. Besides, with professional phonetic analysis software,this paper focuses on the prosodic features of "sadness" and "calmness" which are easily confused.

关 键 词:感情感知 语音实验 中国人日语学习者 韵律特征 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
