
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄薇[1] HUANG Wei ( College of Foreign Language, Guizhou University Guiyang ,550025 )


出  处:《教育文化论坛》2017年第4期100-103,129共5页

摘  要:当今的日语教学方式已经不再是单纯的“教教材”,即照本宣科,而是根据学生情况、课程安排及课程目标等选择适合的教材授课。这也就体现了本文的主旨,日语教材的“二次开发”。而教材的开发着重两个主体对象,一是老师,二是学生。本文在教材的“二次开发”理论指导下,对三所学院日语系选取的教材进行了对比略论,从而更深刻的了解了日语教材“二次开发”关于教学的重要价值意义。Nowadays, teaching can be performed from choosing the substance in terms of students, curriculum plans and objectives rather than books simply. This is the theory of "secondary development" which is the main point of this paper. There are two major subjects for the development of textbooks. One is the teacher, the other is the students. Guiding by the theory of "secondary development" of the textbooks, deep perspectives and importance of the theory can be analyzed from Japanese textbooks choosen by three universities.

关 键 词:日语教材 二次开发 教学价值 

分 类 号:G623.36[文化科学—教育学]
