日语复合动词「V -V」型的副词化[日语论文]

资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王育洁[1] WA NG Yu-jie (School of Foreign Languages, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541004, China)


出  处:《衡阳师范大学学报》2017年第5期118-123,共6页journal of Hengyang Normal University

摘  要:非范畴化是指为在一定的条件下,范畴成员逐渐失去范畴特征的过程。这些成分在重新范畴化之前处于一种不稳定的中间状态,日语毕业论文,它们丧失了原有范畴的某些典型特征,同时获得了新范畴的某些特征。以非范畴化理论为依据,研讨日语复合动词的构成要素在非范畴化阶段的副词化现象。从意义上看,复合动词副词化的构成要素在副词化过程中丧失了原意,日语毕业论文,获得了加强主要动词动作的程度副词意;从句法特征上看,副词化的构成要素丧失格支配能力。Decategorization is one type of grammaticalization .Decategorization refers to the phenomenon changing from major category (noun) to intermediate category (adverb and adjective) and finally to non-major category (preposition ,auxiliary verbs etc .) .This paper ,in view of adverbialization ,analyzes Japanese compound verbs .Then ,it concludes that in Japanese ,com-pound verbs tend to become degree adverbs and can not control the object .

关 键 词:非范畴化 复合动词 日语 中间范畴 副词化 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
