
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陆红娟[1] ZHENG Guang-gui, WEI Li (Career Guidance Center, Anhui Business College, Wuhu 241002, China)


出  处:《安徽商贸职业技术大学学报》2017年第3期78-80,共3页

摘  要:怎样培养高素质的对日技术运用型复合型人才?怎样把语言教学和职业素养教育更好地融入到学生的专业教育中去,真正把高职教育的内涵式发展推向深入,是迫切需要解决的问题。可以说高职的《基础日语》教学改革工作已经是箭在弦上,并且找到了正确的方向和突破口,即对《基础日语》实行模块化教学。The paper redefines "start-up" and "employment" according to the observation on the essential differences betweenentrepreneurs and employees of private-owned enterprises, and then analyzes the concepts of start-up and employment in detail. Italso expounds the essential differences between start-up and employment deeply from eight aspects using comparison method,pointing out the unique advantage of college students in start-up, based on which it concludes that in the era of knowledge economy,the college students should be the main force of ena~epreneurs in the society, thus they can realize their dreams in the innovation andstart-up and make due contributions to the realization of "China Dream".

关 键 词:商务日语 模块教学 改革 

分 类 号:G712[文化科学—职业技术教育学;文化科学—教育学]
