作 者:吴佳艳[1] WU Jia-yan (Department of Foreign Languages, Shunde Polytechnic, Foshan 528333, Guangdong, China) 机构地区:[1]顺德职业技术大学外语大学,广东佛山528333 出 处:《韶关大学学报》2017年第5期140-143,共4页Journal of Shaoguan University(Social Science Edition) 摘 要:考察片假名缩略语范畴,搜集片假名缩略语,研讨外来缩缩略语和混合词缩略语的语形结构,将外来缩略语从缩略形式上分为省略式和抽取式;由固有词、汉字词、外来语、罗马字进行造词的混合词缩略语分类概括为6种,日语论文,日语毕业论文,进而略论片假名缩略语的语义获取与规范使用。This paper applies katakana abbreviations in Japanese and makes a summary of different forms of word pattern structures based on a rich catalog of abbreviations. Through analysis, there are two kinds of Japanese loanwords and six kinds of mix-up abbreviations can be found, based on which relative strategies to understand and use the katakana abbreviations are also suggested. 关 键 词:片假名 缩略语 语形构造 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] H031[语言文字—语言学] |