
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:吴娱[1] WU Yu (School of Foreign Languages, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha, Hunan 410205 )


出  处:《湖南第一师范大学学报》2017年第5期81-84,共4页Journal of First Teachers College of Hunan

基  金:湖南省社科基金项目“湘北方言与关东日语的入声对比探讨”(13YBA390),湖南省情与决策项目湘学专项“湘语与日语语音比较探讨”,湖南第一师范大学院级课题“基于语料库的日语隐喻探讨”(XYS12S16)

摘  要:第二语言习得理论认为:母语对学习者的二语习得有一定作用。根据该理论提出假设,并在湖南第一师范大学外国语大学2017级学生123人中进行问卷调查,然后运用日本早稻田学院在线语音材料,在这123人中进行测试,并建立日语语音语料库,学生的听辨和输出结果表明:湖南方言鼻音边音不分的日语学习者与未受方言作用的日语学习者存在显著异同;湖南日语学习者的行听辨错误率要高于ラ行听辨错误率。ラ行后续拨音时听辨错误率最高;根据湖南日语学习者鼻音闪音的听辨成绩和口语成绩的结果统计略论,日语论文,学生的听辨能力与发音能力成正相关联系。Language social environment has certain influence on second language acquisition. Based on the second language acquisition theory, hypothesis is put forward, and questionnaire and interview are conducted in Hunan First normal university, with the online speech materials of Japanese Waseda University. The experimental research statistics from the 123 objects show that: there is great difference between the students who cannot identify nasal sounds and lateral sounds and the students who are not influenced by the dialects;dialect nasal sounds and lateral sounds identifica-tion can affect the Japanese nasal flash sound aims;Japanese learners of Hunan region have more nasal aims error rate than flash aims error rate. According to the statistical analysis of Japanese learners on nasal flash sound both in the lis-tening test and the speaking test,there are positive correlation between listening and speaking.

关 键 词:第二语言习得理论 语音库 日语学习者 行ラ行 实证探讨 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
