作 者:刘君梅[1] LIU Jun-mei 机构地区:[1]中国人民武装警察部队大学,河北廊坊065000 出 处:《职业时空》2017年第2期128-130,共3页Career Horizon 摘 要:汉字在日语中占有很重要的地位,应用和掌握好汉字,对学习日语起着至关重要的影响.通过日语中常用的两个汉字的略论,从几个方面归纳出汉字的理解和使用的措施及规律,以便更好地促进日语汉字的学习.Chinese characters in Japanese occupies very important position, and good grasp of the characters plays an important role in learning Japanese. Through the analysis of two commonly used Chinese characters in Japanese, from different aspects, method of summing up the understanding and use of Chinese characters and regularity, in order to better promote the learning of Chinese characters in Japanese. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文,日语毕业论文 |