
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张海燕[1] 成玉峰[2] ZHANG Haiyan;CHENG Yufeng;School of Arts and Science, Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology;School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Forestry University;

机构地区:[1]南京工业职业技术大学文理大学 [2]南京林业学院外国语大学

出  处:《科教导刊》2017年第9S期31-32,共2页

基  金:南京工业职业技术大学2017年高等职业教育探讨课题“日本高职院校外语类产教融合对我院日语系产教融合的启示”(编号:GJ14-06)

摘  要:产教融合是提高职业技术教育质量的主要手段之一,是职业教育与社会实践紧密结合、培养适应公司、行业、社会需要的人才、也是高职院校商务日语系寻求发展、不断开拓创新的必然选择。本文以南京工业职业技术大学(简称:南工院)对日服务外包方向为中心,略论了高职院校商务日语系产教融合的制约因素并列出了相应的对策。Integration of production and education is one of the primary means of improving the quality of vocational and technical education, vocational education and social practice is closely integrated training to adapt to business, industry, so-ciety needs talent, but also the business development of Japanese professional vocational colleges seek to continuously de-velop innovative inevitable choice. In this paper, the Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology (abbreviation:Southern En-gineering Institute) service outsourcing direction of Japan, for example, analyze the constraints vocational colleges teaching business Japanese professional production integration and lists the corresponding countermeasures.

关 键 词:高职院校 产教融合 服务外包 商务日语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
