
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘玉琴[1] 江波[1] 姜国海[1] LIU Yu-qin JIANG Bo JIANG Guo-hai (School of Software Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning 116020, China)


出  处:《现代教育技术》2017年第9期72-78,共7页Modern Educational Technology

基  金:教育部人文社会科学探讨规划基金项目“基于视频语料库的日语拒绝行为的探讨”(项目编号:13YJA740039)阶段性成果之一; 辽宁省教育科学“十二五”规划项目“多模态趣味型学院日语学习平台建设探讨”(项目编号:JG13DB001)阶段性成果之一

摘  要:真实语境下学习外语关于提高跨文化交际能力有着重要的影响。但是在学习者母语环境下,学习者很难有机会接触到目标语真实语境。通过构筑以日语影视著作为语境语料的智能视频语料库,提供基于字幕、场景、功能的视频片检索功能,建设基于影视著作中准真实语境的多媒体立体语境平台,将会有效改善、弥补目标语语境匮乏的学习近况。To improve the cross-cultural communicative abilities of foreign language learners, it is important for them to learn in realistic language contexts. However, for those who learn a foreign language in their native-speaking environment, it is difficult to obtain realistic contexts of a foreign language. In this paper, we present JV-Finder, a Japanese video context corpus, which facilitates efficient Japanese learning with film and TV works. Learners can obtain relevant video contents from Japanese film and TV works by querying the subtitles, scenes, and/or the linguistic functions of words. We have designed and implemented an online searching platform, which returns learners the video contents in "semi-realistic" contexts. Our video context corpus will significantly improve the pedagogy of foreign language education in realistic contexts.

关 键 词:语境 跨文化交际能力 影视著作 语料库 日语学习 

分 类 号:G40-057[文化科学—教育学原理;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
