
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:成玉峰[1] 张海燕[2] CHENG Yufeng, ZHANG Haiyan

机构地区:[1] 南京林业学院 外国语大学,江苏 南京210037 [2] 南京工业职业技术大学 文理大学,江苏 南京210023

出  处:《南京工业职业技术大学学报》2017年第1期44-47,共4页Journal of Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology

摘  要:试从汉语的韵母入手,找出汉语拼音韵母ao、iao和日语音读的对应联系,从而提高日语学习者记忆单词的效率以及增加掌握汉字读音的准确率。本探讨表明,在汉语中辅音和韵母ao组词的汉字,日语一般都将它们读成オ段长音。而在汉语中辅音和复韵母iao组词的汉字,日语吴音汉音一般都读作オ段拗长音。另外,因为辅音j、q、x不能和复韵母ao相拼读,只能和复韵母iao相拼读,日语论文题目,一般日语吴音读做オ段拗长音,汉音读做オ段长音,日语论文,个别读作入声音。The paper,starting from Chinese compound vowels,explores the corresponding relationship between Chinese compound vowels“ao”,“iao”and Japanese characters,in order to improve the efficiency of words memorizing and the accuracy of mastering the pronunci-ation of Japanese characters for Chinese learners. It indicates that modern Chinese characters based on compound vowel“ao”are read by long-vowel of “o”,however,in Japanese Wu-pronunciation and Han pronunciation it is read as the awkward long-vowel of“o”rank. Be-sides,consonants such as “j”,“q”,“x”can not be put together with the compound vowel “ao”,but can be with the compound vowel“iao”. In general,Japanese Wu-pronunciation is read with an“o”long-vowel and Han-pronunciation is read with an awkward long-vow-el,while some others are read with a pausing tone.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H361[语言文字—日语]
