
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:蒋丽君[1] JIANG Li-jun ( HeilongJiang WTO Transaction Center, Harbin 150040, China )

机构地区:[1]黑龙江省世界贸易组织事务中心, 哈尔滨150040

出  处:《边疆经济与文化》2017年第8期116-117,共2页The Border Economy and Culture

摘  要:掌握任何一种外语都是很难的,无论是笔译还是口译,并非是简单地将某国语言翻译成母语或第三国语言。日语中有很多看似很简单或是很不起眼的词,翻译时却有很大难度。副词よくどうも是日语中利用率非常高的词,日语论文题目,它们都有多种词义,翻译时要根据环境、背景、词语搭配等加以变通,日语毕业论文,尽量避免不分场合千篇一律。A considerable number of Japanese words that seem simple or small are difficult to translate. Adverbs Yoku and Domo in Japanese are often used and bear multiple meanings. In view of that, flexible Chinese translation shall be made based upon conditions, contexts, and collocations instead of the same Chinese matching words.Pograspang for eign language is difficutt, not matter interpretation on translation. It is not Simply be translated into mother tongue or a thind languge.

关 键 词:翻译 词语解释 词义 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
