
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李小俞[1] LI Xiaoyu (School of Foreign Languages, Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441053, China)


出  处:《湖北文理大学学报》2017年第9期83-88,共6页Journal of Xiangfan University

摘  要:日语国际推广发展至今,除了得益于其经济、科技的作用外,更多的是得益于国家的重视和民间团体的支持,有健全的法学法规保障体系,有众多的既分工明确又紧密合作的推广机构,有科学严谨的调查探讨,有较完善的教师培养、鉴定、保障制度.这一切都为日语国际推广的顺利实施提供了保障.文章主要从日语国际推广机构的类型、职责及其特点等方面来考察日语国际推广的成功之处,从而提出对汉语国际推广的启示.The smooth development of Japanese international promotion is not only due to the Japanese economy and technology influence, but also due to the concern of the government and the support of Public associations, with an additional surrounding of a sound legal system, a various duty - separated and Cooperative advocating associations, a serious and strictly - operated research and an improved system of teaching training, qualifying and social welfare provision, which altogether offer a provision for the smooth operation o Japanese promotion. The paper focuses on the Japanese international promotion agencies to examine the success of the Japanese international promotion, and some enlightenment on the Chinese international promotion.

关 键 词:日语国际推广机构 汉语国际推广 文化传播 

分 类 号:G125[文化科学]
