
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘亚燕[1] LIU Yayan (School of Foreign Languaes, Longyan University, Longyan 364012,China)


出  处:《湛江师范大学学报》2017年第5期113-117,共5页Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College

摘  要:复合动词“見+V”在日本人的日常生活中使用率很高。其多艾性主要来自于前项动词“见否”的语义扩展,其中修辞机能起到很大的影响。在该复舍动词中,日语毕业论文,前项“见否”表示视觉的自然特性、物质力量和监测影响的三项语义来自视觉活动的原型域,在隐喻和转喻的修辞机能下,日语论文题目,语义扩展为表示观察判断、对待处置、认知经验的目标域。The word formation ability of the compound verb "Mi + V" is observed from the perspective of the semantic expansion of the preceding verb with the study of some examples. The polysemy of the compound verb "Mi -k V" comes from the semantic expansion of the preceding verb, in which the rhetori- cal function plays a significant role. In this kind of compound verbs, the expanded meanings expressed by the preceding item "Mi", namely, the natural quality of "seeing", the material reference and that of in- spection, come from the original activity of "seeing". With the help of the metaphorical and metonymical conversion, the semantic expansion of the compound verb "Mi + V" turns to judgment, treatment, dis- posal and experience.

关 键 词:构词能力 多义性 语义扩展机制 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
