
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:任丽洁[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期56-62,共7页

摘  要:日语敬语动词(尊他语,自谦语)的形式之多,用法之复杂,使之成为中国学生的学习难点之一。加上日语教学中课时不足等原因,导致学生很难在有限的时间内,掌握冗杂的敬语动词。因此,本文通过对日剧进行定量调查,发现敬语动词的各种形式在出现频率上有着显著的异同。因此笔者认为,在今后的日语敬语教学中,应该改变以往"一刀切"式的教学方式,确立优先学习的内容以及指导的顺序,提倡有重点、分阶段的教学方式,旨在提高学生掌握应用敬语动词的能力。The verb of Japanese honorifics including honorific form and humble form is very complex. There are a lot of rules to change the form of verb, and this is a difficult point for Chinese students. On the other hand, the class time is limited, so the students aren' t able to master such complex regulation in limited time. In this research, the special features about the frequency of every form of verb will be analyzed through the quantitative survey on Japanese dramas. The conclusion will give some hints to the Japanese education, so the uniform education should be improved. It is necessary to identify key content and make reasonable teaching sequence. There should be different key points in different steps, so the Japanese learning effect of the students will be enhanced.

关 键 词:敬语动词 尊他语 自谦语 日剧 定量调查 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
