
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:韩燕红[1] Han Yan-hong

机构地区:[1]东北林业学院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150040

出  处:《佳木斯教育大学学报》2017年第12期共2页Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute

摘  要:本文从日语主观移动表达方式句入手,阐释日语主观移动表达方式的定义和种类,然后用认知语言学理论略论日语主观移动表达方式的认知过程,日语毕业论文,归纳主观移动表达方式句中各成分的语言特征和认知理据。从认知语言学角度略论日语主观移动表达方式,对日语学习者掌握地道的日语有很大的帮助,为以后的空间和移动的探讨提供素材,日语论文,也为翻译和二语习得的探讨提供帮助。This article from Japanese subjective mobile expression sentence, to explain the definition and types of Japanese mobile expression methods, and then uses the cognitive linguistics to analyze Japanese subjective mobile expressions, summarizes the language features and cognitive motivation of subjective expression way of mobile components.To analyze Japanese subjective mobile way of expression from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the Japanese learners master idiomatic Japanese has very great help, to provide research material for future space and mobile, also provides the help for the study of translation and the second language acquisition.

关 键 词:主观移动表达方式 主体化 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
