
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王晓华[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期9-15,共7页

摘  要:本文以“ぽぅがいい”为考察对象,日语论文题目,通过对语料库例句的略论,对日语情态形式“ぽぅがいい”的意义功能、典型意义、情态类型、意义特征等问题进行了略论。“ぽぅがいい”是表达道义情态、行为情态和能动情态的情态形式,情态所属范畴类型为三类。除“ぽぅがいい”之外,日语评价性情态均有跨越多个情态类型的情况,日语的情态形式不能简单地称之为“单义”,日语论文,有必要从类型学的角度对日语的评价性情态的用法进行分类和探讨。The paper focuses on hougaii, a form of Japanese evaluative modality. Through an analysis of sample sentences in a corpus, the paper examines the main significance usages, the typical significance and the typological categories of hougaii from the perspectives of linguistic typology and Sino-Japanese contrast research. The author finds that hougaii is an expression of deontic modality, action modality and dynamic modality. Furthermore, other forms of Japanese evaluative modality, which are said to be "monosemic", are also found to express two or three modality types of typological categories. It is therefore necessary to discuss the semantic nature of Japanese evaluative modality from the perspective of typological categories.

关 键 词:ぽぅがいい 

分 类 号:H04[语言文字—语言学]
